
Writer's Workshop

Page history last edited by PCSelemliteracy 12 years, 7 months ago



Resources for Getting Started!

General Resources in a livebinder http://www.livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit?id=87404

 http://www.mrsmumpower.com/wrtwrkshop.html 6 traits and writing examples



Websites for lessons





How to Launch--lessons and resources

http://www.elementary-teacher-resources.com/writers_workshop.html  videos and lesson ideas/examples

These lessons are first--how to establish the routines- http://www.jmeacham.com/docs/writers.workshop/units/routines.pdf 


Then these are for after the routine is established:






Another way to launch



Videos and lessons




These lessons are listed below in no particular order. Modify the mentor texts and language in the lessons as necessary.

Grades K-2
Starting the Writing Workshop
Writers decorate their Writers' Workshop folders.

Good writers spell the best they can...and then move on.


Good writers respect other writers.
Good writers understand the rules of Writers' Workshop.
Good writers know what writers write!
Good writers know why writers write!
Good writers confer.
Good writers create a heart map.
Good writers create a memory chain.
Good writers carry on independently.


GREAT Label lesson for beginning of the year Lesson for teaching labels K.docx

SUPER website with units of study like Lucy Calkins with examples and printables 




 Learning how to be a writing partner-this writer is learning how to use an ABC chart to stretch out her words and put down all the sounds she hears.  Learning to use this strategy will make her a more independent writer and will help put an end to "How do I spell...?"  website: http://writingwithrebecca.homestead.com/glimpse-into-classrooms.html#anchor_126




Love this visual writing rubric for first grade!! 

wow pictures Nonfiction writing checklist for K

Rubric for  pictures                     Nonfiction writing checklist for K

  love the student versions of the tree map that match whole group one

student versions of  tree map matches whole group one

Writing Goals Chart

Writing Goals Chart



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